Explore a better way to work – one that promises more calm, clarity, and creativity.

Biographical Information

Name: Cal Newport

Past Publications: Slow Productivity (Portfolio, 2024), A World Without Email (Portfolio, 2021), The Time Block Planner (Portfolio, 2020), Digital Minimalism (Portfolio, 2019), Deep Work (Grand Central, 2016), So Good They Can’t Ignore You (Grand Central, 2012), How to Be a High School Superstar (Random House, 2010), How to Become a Straight-A Student (Random House, 2006), and How to Win at College (Random House, 2005)

Headshot #1: high resolution image | web optimized image

Headshot #2: high resolution image | web optimized image

Headshot #3: high resolution image | web optimized image

Attribution for photos: Penny Gray Photography

Bio: Cal Newport is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Georgetown University. His scholarship focuses on the theory of distributed systems, while his general-audience writing explores intersections of culture and technology. He is the author of eight books, including, most recently, Slow Productivity, A World Without Email, Digital Minimalism, and Deep Work. These titles include multiple New York Times bestsellers and have been published in 40 languages. Newport is also a contributing writer for the New Yorker and the host of the Deep Questions podcast.

Book Cover Images:

Slow Productivity

Deep Work

Digital Minimalism

The Time Block Planner

A World Without Email