Thank You For Your Vote
Thank you to every one who took the time to vote for Study Hacks in the 2007 Performancing Blog Awards. I’m happy to report that with 58% of the vote Study Hacks beat out five worthy competitors to win the Reader’s Choice Award for Best Education Blog. As I say often, the real value of Study Hacks comes from the insightful conversation, debate, and ideas you provide in the comments and over e-mail. So thank you again! I look forward to making this resource even better over the upcoming months. As always, I welcome your feedback.
Now, back to work on our regularly scheduled programming…
Congratulations! I’ve just recently found your blog, and I love it. I would have definitely voted for it.
Congrats Cal!!!! Lots of solid competitors, but you deserved it! Hope your holidays were good and safe.
Thanks Gideon! By the way, we’re all really looking forward to the triumphant return of the force that was once known as scholasticius.
Congratulations !