Interesting links from around the web to help you through your weekend Study Hacks withdrawal…
An Extravaganza of Productivity-Infused Detritus
- The Art of Letting Bad Things Happen | Tim Ferriss
An interesting post by 4-Hour Work Week author, Tim Ferriss. As he tends to do, he dropped everything for a few weeks to travel the world doing random cool things. When he returned, he discovered the absence had caused some problems with his business and book publicity. His conclusion: who cares? Thought-provoking… - How to Overcome a Leaky Brain in Your Studies | Scott Young
Scott offers some advanced memorization tactics. - How to Take Notes Like Thomas Edison | LifeHack
An interesting piece on about how Thomas Edison took notes. I noticed similarities between the techniques of Edison and those of the alpha-hackers interviewed by Danny O’Brien for his famous Life Hacker talk. - Productivity Hour | Make College Better
Some interesting ideas for making a productive transition from being sleep to being awake, energized, and ready to face the day. - Getting Focused 03: Certainty and Survival | David Seah
The third part in a series on David Seah’s attempts to get more done. This installment shares some interesting insights on why some projects are so damn hard to do work on. - Going through the motions: Is productivity the key to accomplishment | Alaeddin’s Blog
An insightful follow-up to my guest post about how to complete projects (not just tasks). Puts the ideas in the context of the workplace.