Interesting links from around the web to help you through your weekend Study Hacks withdrawal…
A Collection of Links Stronger than Tom Brady’s Ankle
- Living Consciously: 10 Things I Have Learned About Myself | I Will Change Your Life
Peter over at the I Will Change Your Life blog shares some interesting reflections on how his life operates. A useful exercise for all of us. - Helping Students Find Their Way | Ben Casnocha
Our friend Ben asks whether college students need help finding their way after graduation. Follow the comments thread for bonus insight from Ben’s freakishly insightful readers. - 5 Transformative E-mail Tips | Getting Things Done in Academia
I’m particularly entranced by the idea of subject line protocols. I knew a professor who tried this for a while. It didn’t stick. But I always thought it cool… - Dealing with Information Overload | Life Hack
Monkia over at Life Hack provides some direction for clearing out the information clutter in your life. - Sprinting Theory: How to Have Self-Discipline on Steroids | Scott Young
If you can tear your eyes away from the photo of myself at the top of the post, you’ll encounter more of Scott’s famed ability to deconstruct why we get things done, and, more importantly, why we don’t.