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Around the Web: More Back-to-School Advice, Reclaim Hours, and Better E-mails

Three interesting articles to help perk you up on this drab September Monday:

  • The Students’ Blog presents The Ultimate Guide to Being Successful in College. Mostly good yet standard stuff — get sleep, keep a calendar, etc. — but I appreciate and enthusiastically agree with their recommendation to take notes on a laptop and keep the maintenance of a strong social life as a top tier goal.
  • A useful article over at LifeHack, titled 21 Ways to Add More Hours to your Day, offers some insights into making your day feel more productive. Among other advice, it suggests reclaiming “gap time” for completing more useful work, and, crucially, performing “triage” on activities that suck up more minutes than necessary.
  • The Wired How To Wiki posted an article titled Write a Perfect E-mail. The article calls for short e-mails that: (1) establish who you are (e.g., we met at the conference last week); (2) provide a clear request that the respondent can act on; (3) assign a deadline to the task (e.g., can I stop by at 10am tomorrow). Great stuff! Expect more e-mail brevity from me in the future.

(Hat Tip: Life Hacker).

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