Ask the Expert
Do you have a question about dieting, exercise, fitness, energy, or anything else related? Worried about beer and gaining weight? Want to build up your pecs before the SAE toga party? Need to figure out how to get in shape without having to go the gym?
A young fitness expert, and columnist for Condé Nast, has agreed to answer your questions. Simply e-mail me or comment on this post. I’ll send the best questions to our expert and he will provide answers in a post scheduled for the end of next week. Ask away!
Usually during the afternoon when I come back from a class, I feel like I need to crash on my bed to get my energy back up. What are some ways I can get my energy back up without taking a nap during the day?
I always try to get in a routine when it comes to lifting or running. I never can do it though. I usually end up going good for a solid month or so and then all of a sudden become to busy and find it extremely hard to get back in the habit.
Condé Nast,
I am working in night shifts. I just started doing some pushups. What do you suggest my exercise timing should be?