This is the sixth blogisode of College Chronicles, a blog-based reality show in which we follow three real students struggling to balance academics with the rest of their life. Halfway though the semester we will stage a study habits intervention to overhaul their student experience. Click here for the full series archive.
Even Sickness Can’t Damp Jake’s True Party Spirit…
This week went surprisingly good as well, despite the fact I was sick for a few days. I finally determined which class I want to drop. I was able to get all of my problem sets and assignments done with confidence. I played in yesterday’s rugby scrimmage; which we won. And yes, I was able to go out during the weekend without any “work” conflicts.
Jake Ponders the Big Questions…
I talked with my advisor about possibly starting a research project. I’ve hit a bit of a crossroads in what I want to do in life. Part of me wants to go to a top grad school and do research in the areas of computer science that seem interesting to me. Another part of me doesn’t know if I really wants to set aside 4-6 years of my mid-twenties on a meager salary, working long hard hours for a degree that I may very well never get.
Jake’s Confidence Breeds and Ambitious Schedule…
Judging by the fact that I’ve been able to get my work done pretty easily thus far (although it’s only the beginning of the semester), I should have enough time to do rugby, take five classes, do a research project, and join another group I’m interested in: an entrepreneur’s club here on campus.