[Update: I wasn’t clear about this in the original post, but I am excited to hear about not just college experiences, but also high school and graduate school experiences. Just shoot me an e-mail if you have something interesting to share…]
Experience-Based Advice
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a big believer in experience-based advice giving. This philosophy maintains that most advice devised in an experiential vacuum — constructed only to sound cool — fails to provide much utility to real people. To counter this, I try with this blog, and through other avenues, to keep in constant contact with real students, their issues, and, most importantly, their attempts to solves those issues.
Are You a Zen Valedictorian? Tell Me About Yourself…
With this in mind, I want to hear from you. Specifically, I am looking to chat with students who have integrated parts of the Zen Valedictorian philosophy into their life. I want to learn more about the realities of this approach to the college experience.
For example, do you…
- Have a more relaxed and happy student life than many of your friends, but do just as well (or better) academically?
- Have a story about radically simplifying your life and reaping benefits?
- Have some activity your involved with that’s really innovative and interesting?
- Have a unique take on student life? The meaning of life? Or how to be happy?
- Have a “conversion tale” to tell? For example, realizing that a million club memberships isn’t helpful or that a lot of the work your friends do is just because they feel that’s how students are supposed to behave.
If any of this applies to you, please e-mail me. I want to hear more about your experiences and thoughts on college life.
sounds interesting. will think about it! 😀