I only rarely write administrative posts, but because this is the launch week for my new book, I figured I’m due a break on this rule. With this in mind, I want to share a few more interesting pieces of news coverage on Digital Minimalism.
Before I do, two quick notes:
- First, if you live in the Washington, DC area, come see me at Politics & Prose at 3:30 on Saturday. I’ll be taking questions and signing books.
- Second, if you’re pretty sure you’re going to buy the book, but haven’t yet, I want to nudge you to do so soon. (For various technical reasons, sales made before Saturday night are very useful from a bestseller list perspective. Okay, last time I’ll mention that…)
On to the publicity updates:
- Amazon’s editors named Digital Minimalism one of the 10 best nonfiction books of the month, USA Today included it in its roundup of “5 books not to miss” this month, and Time called it one of the 15 New Books to Read This February.
- Earlier today, I was interviewed on the popular NPR show Here & Now and appeared live on Tech News Weekly.
- Written interviews with me also appeared in USA Today, Fatherly, and Ryan Holiday’s Daily Stoic newsletter.
- If you’re interested in book excerpts, you can find them at both NPR and TED.
- On the podcast front, more episodes with me are beginning to trickle out (with more to come), including: Mark Hyman’s podcast, The Art of Manliness, The Accidental Creative, Productivityst, Tropical MBA, The Buyer’s Mind, Curious Minds, and OPTIMIZE with Brian Johnson.
Many of you have been asking me to create a running list of all of my podcast appearances, interviews, and articles. We’re working on it, stay tuned…
Any chance you come to Los Angeles, California?
I foresee a meteoric rise headed your way. In anticipation of this book, I re-read So Good and Deep Work. The lessons are transformative, but the true testament of their value is your increased (and overdue, in my opinion) visibility and recognition. You’ve got such an impactful message that’s too good to ignore, and it’s been so exciting to see you grow from this niche field of student success and study hacks to work that has the power to reshape how we think about and interact with technology.
Congratulations on the book launch Cal, have devoured most of it already on the kindle edition, waiting for the print one to be delivered. I wish you could come over to the UK for some book events. I hope you don’t mind me putting this on year, but you have also motivated me to start a blog of my own, detailing ‘a year of digital minimalism’ where I post updates on adopting this lifestyle for a year. For anyone interested, it is on – https://digitalminimalism.blog
I bought the book and have enjoyed a few of the recent podcast interviews.
Future blog post or book idea: your daily routine and habits that lead to a successful family life. How does one ensure their work does not infringe on time spent with the spouse and kids.
Check out hes fixed schedule productivity. Block a specific amount of time everyday where you do only work and don’t do work outside of that time. Doing the work periods you can work and doing outside the work periods you can be with family and friends.
Don’t forget Afford Anything! It was a great episode.
As a physical minimalist that owns less than 10 books (but reads about 20-30 per year from the library), I’m happy to have added this to my small bookshelf.
There seem to be various facets of mindfulness peeking through in society, in terms of figuring out what we want to own, how we want to spend our time, how we want to use our money. I hope this progress continues to build. And I can’t help but be curious as to how companies will respond.
Any chance we’ll see you in the Joe Rogan Podcast anytime soon?
Hey Cal, which podcast episode was your favorite? I only want to listen to one. 🙂
Hey, I listened to all of his podcast shows and the one I really liked was by Vox/Ezra show.
He was interviewed on that show for Digital Minimalism as well as his book Deep Work.
But on this another show, one of the questions that Cal answered was regarding daydreaming.
And since I tend to daydream when bored, I thought it was bad/same effect was constant quick checks of your phone etc but turns out it’s not bad.
(Unless of course daydreaming and music takes over the whole day and months, that may be an indicator of signs of depression or anxiety)
OJ that’s called Walter Mitty Syndrome ! It’s a common form of escapism, nothing bad if it’s kept under control or if it’s limited to when we have nothing to do (it might actually spark some creativity).
If you haven’t done it already, I suggest to watch “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, the 2013 version. It’s surprisingly well made; amazing soundtrack and amazing visuals for a movie of this kind.
A bad week to get a cold…
Hope you can get some rest soon! Congrats on the great launch!
Just heard your interview on the Art of Manliness podcast. Phenominal! Will be getting your book soon. Thank you for your work.
Perhaps not exactly the right post to ask this, but what do think of the new study on social media and depression by Taylor Heffer and colleagues (published in Clinical Psychological Science), which found that social media use does not, actually, predict poorer mental health. According to the authors, the association between the two in the literature is more of an artifact of study design based on measurements taken at a single point in time, whereas Heffer et. al.’s work was longitudinal.
Read Digital Minimalism cover to cover, lots of awesome tips in combating against the attention conglomerates Cal. I had already quit Facebook immediately after I read Deep Work in Jan 2016. I love the default blocking tip and the seasonal vs. weekly scheduling ideas. Your books have truly enriched my life, I’m much happier than when I was constantly hooked to these curated billboards.
Vive la résistance!!!
Vive la résistance!
Hi Cal – great book !
I pre ordered two copies, but never got an email about the book club. Is it going on? Thanks!
Where can I find the dual preorder bonus videos/ Q&A videos. I haven’t seen any in my email so far.
I am reading the new book (one of my students actually gifted it to me!). Wondering if you (or others on here) have any advice on alternative activities to do while raising young kids? The days are long and I’d often play on my phone to pass the time but I don’t want to do that number. Activities that don’t require a lot of focus as when I pick up a physical book I often have to stop many times.
Depends on the kid’s age. If the kid is very young, usually manual stuff like Duplo/Lego, Painting, baking,etc., throwing a ball to each other, easy soccer etc.
8 to 12, “easy” boardgames including Ticket to Ride or Stratego. Chess can also be good as the kid can refine some skills on chesstempo or chess.com
12+ I’d say more serious stuff, manual labor, and difficult boardgames (Arkham Horror, Mansions of Madness, Settlers of Catan, TIME stories, Dead of Winter etc.), including cooperative boardgames (you’re not one against each other but you play together to beat the game itself!).
Agree with Oscar. You should try to appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast to reach out to the millennial demographic
I really appreciate the work you have done, you explained everything in such an amazing and simple way.
You going to come to Tampa Florida some day?
–> If you pre-ordered the books but forgot to fill out the form, leave a comment, and someone from Portfolio will help you get the bonuses you deserve.
–> If you pre-ordered 2+ books, you will be receiving information via email soon about the book club. The first video is on its way…
Order #114-6843755-2472214
2 Copies
(Thanks for writing your books, Cal. They’ve made a real difference in my work and personal life.)
Order #114-6843755-2472214
2 Copies
(Thanks for researching and writing these books, Cal. They’ve made a real difference in my work and personal life.)
Order #114-6843755-2472214
2 Copies
(Thanks for writing your books, Cal. They’ve made a real difference in my work and personal life.)
I read a lot of blog posts and i never heard of a topic like this. I Love this topic you made, really amazing.
Cal, so pleased to hear of your work on this important topic that hits a critical need in our society: distraction that calls for strategies of radical change that calls for a kind of “laboring with reductive / silence(d) . . . / of niched places / narrowing / on a map sublating / distraction / bordering on imaginal / wandering” [Habitus, D Seifert, 2017]
Ordered Two Copies
Order 1: #D01-5032411-2851435
Order 2: #112-0217405-1073070
I bought Digital Minimalism on Audible today after hearing you on the Art of Manliness. I’m looking forward to this decluttering!
I just wanted to tell you what a profound impact your books have had on my life. I’ve totally reshaped how I approach my career, in spite of being a mom of small children I’m one of the most productive members of my team (thanks to deep work), and I also got off Facebook and other social media a while back, which has made me fee so much better and owned up time and space to read so many books now! You are a very clear thinker and argue each point very logically. Thank you and keep them coming.
Your book is fabulous, youve been such an inspiration and a wonderful thing to stumble upon on my simplifying journey.
Wow this is such a great way to develop a highly efficient operation!