Explore a better way to work – one that promises more calm, clarity, and creativity.

155 thoughts on “My New Project”

  1. Congratulations! I’ve been reading for quite a while and I’m interested in hearing how this shifts your work-life balance. I have a 14 month old who was born as I was finishing my PhD and a newborn and I can say it really makes you prioritize!

  2. Congratulations on “Your New Project!” You and your wife will have lots of fun and happiness “hacking” this particular project. BTW, I’ve read two of your book and loved them. I read: 1. So Good They Can’t Ignore You,” and “How to be a Straight A Student.” The other day, I sent my smartie son one of your (guest) posts on learning Linear Algebra quickly. Thanks so much for all you do…and again, CONGRATULATIONS!

  3. A great blessing for you and your wife!
    My theory is that there are only two stages in life–you guys have just entered the second stage!

  4. A great post! Considering this was posted on my birthday, November 7th, I’m predicting a great life for this Scorpio! Enjoy the ride!

  5. Cal !!!!, My most sincere congratulations. I am a college student, and over the last couple of years I have been deeply impacted by your books (including your last one). I very happy for you, and I am sure that your son will bring enormous satisfaction.
    I certainly wish that your son will be lucky enough to find people in his journey trough life that will provide him with quality advice and guidance, just as you do for so many of us.

    Congrats Cal!, You are now a Professor AND a FATHER!!, man, time flies.

  6. Huge congratulations and hope you enjoy these first precious weeks together. As the mother of two very young children, I’ll be really interested to hear how you adjust your schedule and life to make time for your new project!

  7. (Same as Mary)
    Congrats to Cal and wifey! Welcome to the world, Max! 😀

    From what parents have told me, I wish on you both the chance to get enough sleep. A path to experiment with new experiences opens. Haha, will we see baby/parent related “hacks” soon?

  8. Hi,

    Now begins the project of exquisite parenting to keep in tact what’s already there and yet society, family, culture will prompt a departure. Best to you and your efforts to keep in tact what’s already exquisitely there.



  9. So cute! You will be a great father Cal. Wish you all luck with the baby. I hope you will be able to sleep at nights – at least a few hours.

  10. Is it too soon to ask you to write “how to be a superstar parent: how to still get work done, keep up with housework, and generally not go insane”. Seriously I need it! Congratulations to all of you.

  11. Oh my! Congratulations, that’s wonderful. Congratulations, Max, for being born! My cousin and his wife had a child about a month ago, a baby girl named Avery. 😀 A very exciting time, newborns are soooo cute.

  12. The most important project that carries 50% of your genes and your one and only Y chromosome. Hoping that all the good genes are in the Y which is consolidated by his mom’s X. Congrats!

  13. Congratulations! I’ve just stumbled onto your blog based on a recommendation from another blogger. I’ve actually read one of your books, but never been here.

    It was nice to be greeted with such good news.

    My daughter was born on 11/6 also. We just celebrated 14 years. Being a dad is awesome!

  14. Congratulations!
    Now, you are a Dad!
    You will be much more intelligent. You will be much more productive. You will learn much more things. You will discover that you hold a big big heart. You will enjoy life.
    This why I think we should thank our kids!
    They are a real gift.


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