Two Recommendations
In general, January is a good month for books about productivity. This January is particularly good as two friends of mine, whose thinking on these topics I really respect, both have books out this week. Coincidentally, both of these friends asked me to write the foreword for their titles — which I was honored to do.
With this in mind, if you’re looking for some smart thinking on productivity (or want to experience some unusually thoughtful and erudite foreword writing), I recommend these new releases:
- The 3 Secrets to Effective Time Investment by Elizabeth Grace Saunders
Elizabeth runs a successful consulting business that helps people make more meaningful use of their time. If you’re looking to focus less on the unimportant and more on what really matters, this book offers tested advice for achieving this goal. - The Front Nine by Mike Vardy
Mike is the former editor-in-chief of — an experience that transformed him into a incisive commentator on what works and what doesn’t in the world of productivity. His new book takes a surprisingly nuanced look at what it (really) takes to get important projects from conception to completion.
Hi Cal,
I’ve looked through your site and haven’t found a list of your recommended reading on productivity or other topics, have you thought about mentioning what you read more? It would be interesting.
Thanks for sharing. Added to my “to Read” list. One of the best books I discovered on productivity recently is “18 Minutes: Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done” by Peter Bregman. A great and easy read and full of practical advice.
Not a bad idea — I read a lot. I wonder if other people would be interested in this?
I would be extremely interested in knowing what you read and what you recommend, including books as well as other blogs etc. Thanks!
I bought the book by Mike Vardy. It better be good!
And yes, you should put up a list of books you read.
I know I would be interested in seeing a reading list post.
I too would be interested in the reading list.
Yes, please A list of your favorite books would be interesting. I got the Saunders book. Very good — thanks for the recommendation
yes, i would to see your rwading list as well.
I would be interested in knowing your reading list. I have always ordered books referred to in your post from the library. They have been good recommendations!
@Cal, J is right. It would be very interesting, if you can publish your reading list. Also, any interesting criteria for selecting them.
Book list please!!!
Hi Cal, how do i order for the books? I reside in NIgeria. Love what you are doing. Great Job.
Do the book-list! I remember in the comments of one post you mentioned Little Bets, Talent is Overrated, and Where Good Ideas Come From. They were eye-opening reads and I would be more than happy to read other recommendations.