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Unexpected Wisdom: Some Interesting Articles From Interesting Places

Gone for the Weekend

I’m leaving this afternoon for a three day trip. This means no Friday post and I might be a little slow moderating comments. In the meantime, I wanted to leave you with a few interesting articles that I found in some unexpected sources.

(I might also suggest that you go back over Dan Pink’s interview from Wednesday and review what he said about “fundamental” versus “instrumental” interests. I’m increasingly impressed by the idea, and I think there is a lot of wisdom packed into those few sentences.)

See you Monday!

Unexpected Wisdom

Interesting articles from unexpected sources (at least, “unexpected” for a student advice blog):

3 thoughts on “Unexpected Wisdom: Some Interesting Articles From Interesting Places”

  1. I’d be interested to hear what you thought of the product discussed in the Wired article. Maybe you could take SuperMemo for a test drive?

  2. Yes, mnemosyne is free as well an ANKY and many supermemo clones, But its algorithm is really childish. In any case any Leitner algorithm would work just as well.


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