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Walking in Merlin Mann’s Footsteps and a Book You Should Know About

Two brief administrative notes…

A2 Earns an A

When I first started blogging in 2007, I needed web hosting. I noticed that Merlin Mann had a note on 43 Folders about his happiness working with a company named A2 Hosting. That was good enough for me: I signed up for their introductory package.

That was five years ago and I’ve been nothing but happy with their service ever since.  Now, in a nice bit of circularity, they’ve agreed to sponsor Study Hacks in much the same way they were sponsoring 43 Folders back when I got started with blogging.

So if you’re looking for web hosting, you have my recommendation.


Community College Success

Speaking of recommendations, I have one more to make. An important segment of my readers is community college students. I like these students because they are often way more pragmatic than their counterparts at four year institutions. They see school as an investment and want to get the most out of the money they put in, and therefore they tend to focus more on the nitty-gritty of their strategies (which I enjoy) and less on whether their major is their passion (which I don’t enjoy).

Anyway, a shortcoming of my student writing is that I’ve never done systematic studies of community college students, so my advice in this area is somewhat tentative.

This is why I am happy to enthusiastically recommend Isa Adney’s new book: Community College Success.

If you’re in community college and are looking for advice tailored to your specific setting, Isa’s book is a great place to start.


3 thoughts on “Walking in Merlin Mann’s Footsteps and a Book You Should Know About”

  1. Hi Cal,

    Thank you for making a difference in my life.

    I read your blog religiously as a community college student. In a year, I transferred to USC with scholarship, and thereafter was accepted to UPenn for a Masters in Architecture.

    While a school’s prestige does not necessarily equate success and knowledge, I will say that I’ve learned a lot about myself and the world by pursuing higher education. I am a first generation college student; my parents never finished high school.

    If your research ever extends to CC students (and you deem me worthy enough), I’d love to help as you’ve helped me.

    PS. I took your advice. I turned down UPenn for a MFA at Art Center in Media Design, because that’s where I can master an emerging field in the design/tech world… and still manage to have a ton of fun!

  2. Hi Cal,
    I’ve been an avid follower of yours for a while now and just found this post. I’d been struggling to see how me as a CC student could make the strategies work. I have commuting, buying and making my own food (versus a dining hall) and long internship hours to think about. It is refreshing that you put out Isa’s work and I appreciate that you recommend underscheduling (zen Valedictorian).

    I am looking forward to transferring in 2015 for the conveniences of going to a 4 year college and being fully focused on my studies. I’m glad you recognize the huge readership you have from the highly motivated CC students.

    For your future understanding, I’m lucky my CC is right next to the huge local university. I spend time at both campuses. The biggest difference is the students at the universities are all fully immersed in their studies. Their internships are closely tied to the university, gaining them credits, and their classes are focused on their majors (versus being generalized for all majors). All the students at a university are full time and most live very close to campus if not residents.

    CCs are generally commuters and only around 15% will transfer to a 4 year institution. CC students are more independent, often have to work or do longer internship hours, and spend more time on schoolwork because of how many units and requirements are involved in a transfer. It tends to take longer, so there’s more pressure to overdo the academics and burn yourself out.

    For me, I take 14 semester units, a ten hour internship that is sometimes more, and live 2 miles from campus and my schedule is considered relatively light at my school.



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