Explore a better way to work – one that promises more calm, clarity, and creativity.

I Want to Give You a Free Copy of My New Book

My new book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love, will be published in eight days! If you haven’t already pre-ordered the book, sit tight: next week I’ll do the official announcement, which will include some exciting giveaways for people who buy a copy then.

In the meantime, two pieces of pre-pub business…

If You Pre-Ordered the Book, Please Consider Leaving an Amazon Review

This is me in favor asking mode: If you pre-ordered the book from Amazon, and received your copy early, please consider leaving an honest review. I want the people who consider the book during the publication week to encounter some social proof that I’m not a crank.

If you do leave a review, please e-mail me at interesting [at] with the subject line “[Review]” so that I can thank you personally. Feel free to include in your e-mail any questions or comments you had about the book.

I look forward to hearing from you!

If You Have a Platform, I Have a Free Book for You

My publisher has given me a limited number of electronic copies of the book to give away. If you have an online platform (e.g., a blog, a big twitter following) that you think might be interested in my ideas, I want to give you one of these free copies. In exchange, I will ask that you share your honest thoughts about the book with your audience on (or near) the 9/18 publication date.

If you’re interested send me an e-mail at interesting [at] with the subject line “[Platform].” Please include a link to your platform and audience size, just in case I end up with more requests than books!

25 thoughts on “I Want to Give You a Free Copy of My New Book”

  1. Hey, just ordered the book. I haven’t read your other books, but I’ve been following the site for sometime. I’ll leave a review on Amazon.

    FYI, I just noticed that I am right across campus. I am a programmer/research support staff in the GUMC (Neurology).

  2. Lucky me, I pre-ordered the book and already received a copy from Amazon on Saturday (Sep., 8th) in Germany. It’s a pleasure to read and full of inspiring and provocative thoughts. Thanks a lot for writing the book, Cal. — Cheers, Dominikus

  3. I pre-ordered some time ago, but am yet to receive my copy. Still, I can wait. I’m going to write up a review and publish it on my blog anyway, as this is a very important topic. I’ll email you when the review is up.

  4. Hey Cal,
    Your email address in spelled incorrectly (it’s shown as newpot instead of newport) the first time its listed. Also, Good luck with the book.


  5. Such a fan of your writing! Been following you forever 🙂 I will for sure be writing up a review of your book once I get my hands on a copy, haven’t pre-ordered yet, but will be doing so soon! 🙂 Excited!

  6. Hi,

    Greetings from Australia, long time lurker and first time commenter. All the very best of luck with the book.

    Your blog is my favourite and has inspired me to go back to studying toward my Masters Degree in Applied Finance.

    Hopefully I will be able to get my hands on a copy at some stage in the bookshops here.

    Will they make a Kindle version available? Makes it so much easier to get hold of these type of books as it costs a small fortune to ship to Australia.

    Thanks again

  7. I’ll leave a review on Amazon.

    Thanks Shawn. Those reviews turn out to be really, really useful.

    It’s a pleasure to read and full of inspiring and provocative thoughts.

    Thanks Dominikus! If you get a chance to leave a review, I would be quite appreciative.

    I will for sure be writing up a review of your book once I get my hands on a copy, haven’t pre-ordered yet, but will be doing so soon!

    Thanks Aurooba!

    Will they make a Kindle version available?

    Yep. The Kindle version will be available on the publication date of 9/18 (though you can pre-order it now and it will be delivered on that date).

    I’m not sure how iBook works. My first three books are available in that format so I assume this one will be too.

    I am 2/3 through your book and I LOVE IT. I’ll definitely leave you a review when I’m done. I may even write you a big long letter! Fantastic work.

    I look forward to both!

    Is it still worth reading if I’ve already read this entire blog?

    Definitely still worth it. Nothing in the book is reprinted from the blog. More importantly, roughly 90% of the ideas/stories/methods are brand new.

    One of the current Amazon reviews for the book addresses this question as well. The reviewer said he was worried about overlap and found out his worries were unfounded.

  8. I can’t wait for my Kindle pre-order to download onto my Fire! I bought your High School Superstar book even though I’m, ahem, a bit divorced from high school because I thought the insights were still valid. I’m stoked to read your thoughts on the working life! Your craftsman in the cubicle series has been on my radar from the beginning. 🙂

  9. I’ve spent a lot of your time on your blog lately, but I’m also looking at buying one of Ken Robinson’s books right now too: either out of our minds, or the element. You suggest that we cultivate our passion, he suggests that you find and pursue it, a method you’ve criticized. Have you read any of his work? I wouldn’t mind hearing your thoughts on it in case you have.

    I regret taking my blog down now, I could have had an early copy of your book…


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