Many Study Hacks readers are also fans of Ben Casnocha, so it’s probably no surprise to hear that Ben’s new book comes out on Tuesday.
He co-wrote it with Reid Hoffman, one of the founders of LinkedIn. It’s titled:
The Start-Up of You: Adapt to the Future, Invest in Yourself, Transform Your Career
If you’re interested in my Career Craftsman philosophy, you will find a lot of relevant in Ben’s book, where he shows how to apply to your own career the tactics that help Silicon Valley start-ups succeed. (You can read an annotated list of chapters here.)
Highly recommended…
Out of the many career guidance books I have read, I enjoyed this the most. The authors did a very good job of providing clear and actionable advice for people with the desire to manage their careers more actively. They make it immediately clear that the times when people stayed 30 years in one job have passed, and that we have to treat our career more like the start up of our own company. I enjoyed that the ideas in this book can be applied to any work environment – whether large corporations or not-for-profits – we all need to understand that today’s career paths are not straight shots to the top anymore but rather are fractured and interrupted. Each chapter is followed with a few tips to implement in our daily lives. As the founder of the popular professional networking site LinkedIn, Reid dedicates a lot of time to the value of networking. He is correct. “If you want to accelerate your career, you need the help and support of others.” He uses neat examples from people he knows to explain his thoughts, including his own experiences. I really took a lot away from this book, and I especially like the action to keep your network alive. How many people have we met throughout our careers that we are not in touch with anymore? Its so easy to send a quick email or schedule a lunch. Yet, these connections can be so helpful at times