The Return of Top Performer
Last fall, Scott Young and I launched the first session of Top Performer — an online course we spent over three years developing. As you might recall, Top Performer provides a systematic curriculum for:
- identifying the skills that matter most in your profession;
- constructing a deliberate plan to improve them rapidly; and
- finding the time in your already busy schedule to consistently make progress on this endeavor.
The first session was a great success, so we’re opening up a new session. Between now and midnight Friday the Top Performer course is open again for sign ups.
If you’re interested in finding out more you can visit the course web site which contains: detailed descriptions of the motivation, curriculum, and FAQs. There is also a video walkthrough and numerous video case studies from first session students. You can also view the overview video above.
I’ll post another short note around 24 hours before the end of the sign up period. But that’s the last I’ll talk about this for a while.
I know online courses (and the sales process surrounding them) is not everyone’s cup of tea. If this includes you, please ignore this — we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming shortly.
Have you had many students who are lawyers take your course? I’m curious about the application of deliberate practice to legal work–the use of Deep Work, on the other hand, is clear. I have done some tentative research concerning the relationship, but haven’t found much. Interested in your thoughts!
Hi Cal,
I like your work and your books. My situation looks similar to the one you have been in not that long ago, so I wonder if you can comment how suitable the course is. I am entering the last (3rd year) of my postdoc and I am looking for the career in the academia (similar field as yours).
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