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Study Hacks Gets a Fancy New Archive & My Search for Focused Students

Two Notes

Below, I’ve listed two quick administrative notes. One concerns a fancy new upgrade to Study Hacks and the other is an open call for a “focused” students who want to be a part of my new book…

An Awesome Archive

Yesterday I completed a long overdue overhaul of the Study Hacks archive. All 350 posts are now tagged with content-specific descriptions. Do you need practical tips? There are now 8 tips categories — from Tips: Notetaking to Tips: Fighting Procrastination — to help you find the exact posts you need. Are you looking for broader advice? There are now eight features categories — from Features: Becoming a Superstar to Features: Life After College — to aid your quest for enlightenment. Finally, a seperate Case Studies category allows you to isolate examples of the advice in action.

My goal with this upgrade is to simplify the steps between your problem and an effective solution. It’s one of several improvements to Study Hacks I’m planning for the near future, so stay tuned. And, as always, I welcome your feedback.

Searching for Focus

I’m currently writing the focus section of my new book. Accordingly, I’m looking for students who did well in the college admissions process by focusing on a very small number of things during high school. The idea I’m trying to support is that doing very well at one thing can be more impressive than doing lots of things kind of well. If this descriptions fits you (or someone you know), send me an e-mail — I’d love to hear your story.

5 thoughts on “Study Hacks Gets a Fancy New Archive & My Search for Focused Students”

  1. I’d just like to applaud your new archiving system. It’s great! Now I can find all the articles I need when I’m finding out about a particular task, rather than trawl through every tip ever.

  2. I love this new design! Its way easier to find the advice or certain article your looking for! Though I would love to see more case studies, they’re my favorite part (maybe one a week or every other week?)

    Thanks for all the help & advice Cal!

  3. Though I would love to see more case studies, they’re my favorite part (maybe one a week or every other week?)

    More case studies coming soon. They’re going to be more regular and follow a more regular format…

  4. Hey Cal, I’ve noticed you’ve yet to write any specific article for engineering. Seeing from your computer science background, I’d love for you to share your perspective on how to attack undergraduate or graduate engineering (zen style, of course) since I will be starting college as an electrical engineer coming fall.

    Awesome new archive by the way!


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